Photo of farm with silo surrounded by green rolling landscape

Cost Basis Calculator

For the convenience of our investors, Williams is pleased to provide a cost basis calculation service through NetBasis.

For a fee paid to NetBasis, you may use NetBasis to calculate the cost basis for The Williams Companies, Inc. (NYSE: WMB) common stock, adjusted for any corporate actions or dividend reinvestments. To use NetBasis, you will need your purchase and sales dates as well as the number of shares of common stock purchased or sold on those dates.

When you select the NetBasis icon below, you will leave The Williams Companies, Inc. website and will be redirected to the NetBasis website, which contains certain historical information about The Williams Companies, Inc. common stock. Williams Companies has no control over, receives no compensation from, and neither endorses nor recommends, NetBasis versus other similar service providers.

The Williams Companies, Inc. disclaims any responsibility for, and makes no representations or warranties, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy of, any calculation made using NetBasis or the information on the NetBasis website. The Williams Companies, Inc. shall have no liability for any injury or damages you incur as a result of your use of NetBasis. The Williams Companies, Inc. urges you to consult your tax adviser about your WMB common stock.

If you have any questions about using NetBasis, you can call its 24/7 Customer Care Call Center at 1-888-80-BASIS (1-888-802-2747) or use the Live Web Chat service located on the Help button once you have logged on to the system.